2022-07-18 10:57
On November 23, 2021, a meeting of the regional quality commission was held in the Government of the Perm Region, at which the results of the 24th All-Russian competition "100 best goods of Russia" 2021 were summed up.
A set of cookware made of corrosion-resistant steel, the manufacturer of which is  LLD "Lysva Plant of Metal Products", having competed with 43 product names from 29 manufacturers, was recognized as the winner of the All-Russian competition!
The expert commission included representatives of regulatory organizations: Rospotrebnadzor, the Department of inspection in the Perm Region of the PMTU Rosstandart, FBU "Perm CSM", Perm CCI, certification bodies, higher educational institutions, etc. 15 experts and specialists from 8 organizations took part in the work of the expert commissions.
The competition of 2021 once again confirmed the high level of quality of cookware made of corrosion-resistant steel of the trademark "Ours will not rust!" and readiness to produce in-demand products that meet the highest requirements.
This event is natural for the company! For such a short period of formation and development of the stainless cookware shop, the company managed to turn into reality the best technical solutions  and  thereby earn the recognition of customers.

To order products made of corrosion-resistant steel of the trademark "Our will not rust!" fill out the order form, or use one of the feedback forms on the company's website.